Seeing the effects of a drought condition in the area, county commissioners unanimously voted to enact an outdoor burn ban in Brazos County ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend.
The ban was voted for at the June 28 meeting and will go into effect the same day, lasting until Sept. 28 unless the county terminates the order prior. Although fireworks are not allowed within Bryan or College Station city limits, firework sales and area firework displays will still be permitted in Brazos County for weekend entertainment.
The order states exceptions including welding with special provisions including a spotter for each welder, cutter, and grinder; maintaining a minimum of 100 gallons of water as well as one water pressure fire extinguisher per spotter. Welding must be ceased if wind speeds are higher than 20 mph and/or humidity is less than 30%.
Outdoor cooking is also impacted. Propane/gas cooking and wood/charcoal devices must have a full enclosure at all times, and additionally wood/charcoal devices must also be clear of vegetation or flammable materials in a five foot radius.
Individuals who are caught burning without permission or outside of allowed provisions can be charged with a misdemeanor. All offenses should be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.