The Arts Council has officially announced the winners of the 2020 Red Wasp Film Festival:
- Best of Festival, Best of College — Tight Spot, directed by Kevin Haefelin
- Best of Texas — Salting the Fly, directed by Craig Mooneyham and Jacob Reynolds
- Best Animated Film — Perpetuate, directed by Stephan Larson
- Best of High School — Diamond Game, directed by Nolan Hieu Trifunovic
- Best of Short Films — Ouroboros, directed by Emma Keehan
The Red Wasp Film Festival began in 2003. Founders Carol and Craig Conlee first held the festival at 7F Lodge in Wellborn. Originally, the festival was held outdoors during the springtime, and red wasps would frequently pester the guests. In an attempt to bring humor to the situation, the Conlees decided to name the festival after the pests, hence the name: Red Wasp Film Festival. In 2006, Carol and Craig partnered with Brazos Progressives — a coalition of progressive groups, businesses, and individuals working to build community in the Brazos Valley — and the festival moved to downtown Bryan.
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