Since 2012, the Clara B. Mounce Public Library has been fortunate to offer a free Adult English as a Second Language Program in collaboration with local community organizations. Originally started at the library, a new partnership with an existing ESL program at Oak Grove United Methodist Church expands Mounce Library's ESL class offering to a second campus this fall. Bryan ISD and the Texas Education Agency Region 6 have graciously allowed Saturday morning use of the classrooms in the former Milam Elementary School. Both campuses are open to adults (ages 18 years and older) who are interested in learning English as their second language.
The Mounce Library's ESL Program is led by Program Coordinator Adriana Alfaro, an advocate who has volunteered hours upon hours over the years to establish and keep the Mounce Adult ESL Program flourishing since its inception in 2012. Formal classes will begin at the Milam ESL campus the following Saturday, Sept. 15, at 10am and will continue weekly through Dec. 8. The former Milam Elementary School is located at 1201 Ridgedale Street in Bryan.
The Oak Grove ESL campus is led by Ms. Isabelle Hernandez Robbins, a local champion of literacy and sister of the Read by 3rd founder, Daniel Hernandez. Classes will be held each Tuesday evening from 6 to 8pm at the Oak Grove United Methodist Church beginning Sept. 18 through May 14. Oak Grove United Methodist Church is located at 505 Boulevard Street in Bryan.
For additional information about the Milam Campus ESL Program, contact Clara B. Mounce Public Library by calling (979) 209-5600.
For additional information about the Oak Grove United Methodist Church ESL Program, contact Ms. Isabelle Hernandez Robbins by calling (979) 822-1824.