Registration for the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley’s second annual Brazos Valley Gives Day is underway, and local nonprofits are invited to sign up to be a part of a community-wide day of giving. Brazos Valley Gives is Tuesday, Oct. 27, and early giving will begin on Oct. 1.
Brazos Valley Gives is 18 hours of online giving that brings the region together on one day and as one community to raise critical funding and awareness for nonprofit organizations throughout the Brazos Valley. Powered by the Community Foundation, Brazos Valley Gives provides citizens and businesses an easy platform to support the mission and “good works” of local nonprofit organizations that serve the Brazos Valley. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations from throughout the seven county region are invited to be a part. Brazos Valley Gives empowers individual donors and business leaders to come together to support causes close to their hearts — on this day, everyone can be a philanthropist with a minimum donation of $10.
This day of "giving where you live" is being powered by the Community Foundation, and all donations will pass through directly to the donor’s charity(ies) of choice. The goal for Brazos Valley Gives is $375,000.
Last year, in the inaugural year of Brazos Valley Gives, more than 100 nonprofits participated with 100 percent of nonprofits receiving a financial benefit from the $363,686 that was raised. Each participating nonprofit was also eligible for $25,250 in prizes that were awarded during a post-celebration event. More than 1,100 individuals gave, and 879 donations were first-time donors to support a local nonprofit they had not supported before.
If 501(c)(3) nonprofits are interested in participating, visit to register, or for more information send an email to Local citizens and businesses interested in hosting a campaign or sponsoring an incentive prize for Brazos Valley Gives should call Patricia Gerling at (979) 589-4305. Early bird registration ends Aug. 21. Nonprofits that register by Friday, Aug. 21, will be eligible for a $500 prize. Friday, Sept. 18, is the deadline for nonprofits to register to participate in Brazos Valley Gives.
Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley Established in 2003, the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley serves as a trusted partner for everything charitable through its work with donors, businesses, and nonprofit charities to build and sustain vibrant communities. At its core, the Foundation is a nonprofit organization created with gifts from generous people who are committed to local causes. For donors, the Foundation serves as a philanthropic advisor. For the communities it serves, the Foundation serves as a grantmaking and civic leader. With more than $9 million in assets under management, the Foundation has invested more than $1.7 million in grants and scholarships to support local causes that change lives and impact the communities it serves. For more information, visit or call (979) 589-4305.
Courtesy of the Community Foundation of Brazos Valley