The City of Bryan’s Public Works and Fire Departments have a few reminders when it comes to your Christmas trees.
Families should keep the following tips in mind to keep everyone safe around Christmas trees.
- Natural Christmas trees can present a fire danger if it is too dry, as dry trees can burn quickly, leaving little time to escape.
- Keep a constant supply of water in the stand. Natural trees can “drink” a lot of water, especially when first set up.
- Keep any heat sources away from the tree.
- Don’t use candles on a live Christmas tree.
- Use only UL-listed light strings.
Now that the holidays are over, Bryan Public Works wants to help by picking up your tree at curbside at no charge! Place your Christmas tree at the curb on your regularly scheduled Brush & Bulky service day. Be sure the tree has been cleaned of all decorations, lights, tinsel, and metal and plastic stands.
In order to correctly utilize the Brush & Bulky service, these guidelines must be followed:
- Place items at a curbside location that’s easily accessible to the collection vehicle. Do so anytime 48 hours before, and up to 7 a.m. on the scheduled day of collection. (Click here to view the Waste Collection Map Service)
- Heavy trash collection is limited to residential and general maintenance activities performed on vacant lots meeting the requirements of 150’ x 150’.
- A maximum of 23 cubic yards of materials are allotted to each resident per week. Items exceeding this allotted amount may be collected at an additional fee or transported by the generator to the landfill for disposal.
- Set bulky waste and green waste (limbs, branches, etc.) in separate piles for collection from other large waste.
Please do not place items:
- Under low overhead electric wires, cablings, signs, or mailboxes
- Stacked next to fences, posts, atop water or gas meters, gas meters, fire hydrants, or other utility components.
- Materials should not be placed in the street, on the sidewalk, or other right-of-way in a manner that interferes with pedestrian or vehicle traffic.
Household garbage will not be collected for disposal through the Brush & Bulky service.
For assistance in determining your property’s Brush & Bulky Service collection point, contact the call center at (979) 209-5900 or email Waste Collection.
Courtesy of the City of Bryan