Welcome to the second issue of Insite Magazine published in cooperation with Art979.com interactive. Over a Golden Mocha a few months back at The Village Downtown, owner Kristy Petty shared her original vision for the café, one that included an arts website that served as a local clearing house of all things arts: from venues and performers to visual artists and their wares.
The other component was an arts magazine. Her vision sounded like a richer, more intimate approach to Insite’s traditional arts coverage and so the first Art979 issue of Insite Magazine launched in September 2012 with this month’s issue ready to carry on this new tradition. From introducing local artists to those who provide art venues, the Arts979 features will continue to be a twice-yearly compliment to the other eclectic local features that are the mainstay of Insite Magazine. Also in this issue you’ll find Cowboy Up!, a spotlight on award-winning agribusinesses, along with a compelling narrative about Still Creek Ranch joining the fight to provide safe havens for children rescued from sex trafficking. From beauty and introspection in the art world to the gritty realities of those who provide the daily bread and succor humanity, this issue has something we hope will capture your imagination and attention. As always, your feedback will be most appreciated.
– Angelique Gammon
Art979.com was launched so that artists, art hosts, and art lovers could come together in one place. We want to support and promote the local art scene.
Why? Because we love it. We eat, breathe, and sleep art, and we want to share it with anyone and everyone who wants to do the same.
We hope that you use Art979.com to discover places to go, shows to watch, music to sing, things to buy, and pretty things to see. Use the blogs to learn more about the people who make this community great. Use the forum to meet a new friend, share your favorite event, or give a review of a show you just saw. Use the site to meet artists like yourself, to collaborate and to inspire one another. Use it to make our art community stronger everyday.
Thank you for checking out Art979.com. We hope that you will continue to share art, buy art, support art, and above all, love art.
– Kristy Petty