Several heritage groups will sponsor an application workshop for descendants of American Revolution patriots on Saturday morning, June 24, 9am to noon, at the Mounce Library, 201 E. 26th St., Bryan. Attendees interested in applying for membership in a local American Revolution heritage group will receive help with their research and application.
There is no charge for the workshop, but reservations are needed to assure space by June 19 to DARLaVillita@gmail.com. Include your name, email address, mailing address, phone, and specify names of prospective members for DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), SAR (Sons of the American Revolution), and/or CAR (Children of the American Revolution).
Membership in DAR is for women age 18 and up, SAR is for men age birth and up, and CAR is for youth from birth to age 22. Any individual, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution, is eligible to apply for membership.
If you're just starting on your family history, start with your family - you, your parents, grandparents, etc. Write down what you know. Ask your eldest relatives about your family history. Tracing your lineage is valuable because it preserves your family’s heritage. If you have your family genealogy back to a patriot in the American Revolution, great. Come for guidance and assistance to help you with your application papers. Collect the proofs of birth, marriage, and death that you have. Many resources are available online.
You may bring your laptop computer to learn more about patriots and American Revolution research to help you start your application for membership. If you do not have an email, a friend could help you register. Late registration will be accepted as long as space is available.
Help make a difference in your community and help preserve America’s heritage. DAR, SAR, and CAR are volunteer service organizations who promote patriotism, preserve American history, and secure America’s future through better education for children.