theater stage
Illuminated empty theater stage with smoke
Blinn College is bringing pirates, illusionists, holiday memories and Irish music to the stage as part of its 2015-16 Performing Arts Series at the Dr. W.W. O’Donnell Performing Arts Center.
Hosted by Blinn’s Division of Visual, Performing Arts & Kinesiology, the series will open on October 12 with performances by The Young Irelanders, followed by “Jim Witter’s Christmas Memories” on December 11, “Nelson Illusions Smoke and Mystery Tour” on March 30, and a performance of “Pirates of Penzance” by the New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players on April 10. All shows will take place at the O’Donnell Center on the Blinn-Brenham campus.
Individual show tickets are $30 for general admission and $20 for Blinn employees. Season tickets, which include a reception prior to each event, are $100 for all four shows and are available now through October 21. Student rush tickets are $10 at the box office the day of the event. All seats are reserved.
“This is an incredibly arts-savvy community, and for us to bring in high-quality, big acts really helps complement our student offerings,” said Todd Quinlan, department head. “I think the community is going to grab onto this pretty quick.”
The series opens with “The Young Irelanders,” eight performers who deliver Irish traditional music, song and dance, will open the series at 4pm on October 21. The group has performed for numerous U.S. presidents and the queen of England.
“Jim Witter’s Christmas Memories” will begin at 7pm starting December 11. This performance invites the audience to join the Canadian recording artist and Juno/Dove Award nominee and his band for an evening of Christmas music both old and new.
“Nelson Illusions Smoke and Mystery Tour” will begin at 7pm on February 10. This is the largest touring illusion show in the United States. The show includes a variety of illusions, including a girl sawn in half, a man who risks death between two spinning saw blades and an elegant lady who levitates. The show will also feature a 22-foot Ferrari helicopter that will magically appear on stage.
The final show of the season, “Pirates of Penzance,” features the New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players, America’s preeminent professional Gilbert & Sullivan repertory ensemble. Since it’s founding in 1974, the company has presented more than 2,000 performances of Gilbert & Sullivan masterpieces throughout the eastern United States and Canada, captivating audiences of all ages. “Pirates of Penzance” will be performed with a 17-piece orchestra and an ensemble of 26 singers and actors. The curtain rises at 4pm beginning April 10.
“All of these acts provide family-friendly entertainment and are fun for all ages,” said Kevin Patrick, technical theatre director. “We looked around at the community and selected artists that are unique but complement the other performances offered in the area.”
Tickets can be purchased online at www.blinn.edu/BoxOffice or by calling 979-830-4024.