The Theatre Company of Bryan College Station announces: SpongeBob The Musical, the third production of their 34th Season, "Putting it Together." Adapted from the popular animated Nickelodeon series, SpongeBob The Musical follows the journey of SpongeBob (played by The Wedding Singer's Dalton Jones), Patrick (Elf's Derek Shaw), Sandy (Head Overheels' Keri Kempf), and many more iconic characters as they venture to save the underwater world of Bikini Bottom.This musical was conceived by Tina Landau and features original songs byAerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, The Flaming Lips, Cyndi Lauper, John Legend, Panic! At the Disco, Plain White T’s, They Might Be Giants, and David Bowie. With 12 Tony nominations and an amazing score, SpongeBob is a show the whole family can enjoy!
When: June 2 to 18
Performances: Friday/Saturday at 7 p.m. & Saturday/Sunday at 2 p.m.
Where: The Theatre Company in the Tejas Center (behind JOANN Fabric and Crafts) 3125 S. Texas Ave Ste. 500, Bryan, TX. 77802
Tickets: purchase online at
For more information, email
Courtesy of The Theatre Company of Bryan College Station