Image Courtesy of On Thursday, January 29 , the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum and Discovery Education, the leading provider of digital content for K-12 classrooms, are partnering to present a unique distance learning opportunity for students across the globe. At the eighth annual “Reading Discovery Program” held at Texas A&M University, former First Lady Barbara Bush will speak about the importance of literacy, read excerpts from an award-winning book about Mount Rushmore, and answer students’ questions from around the world via interactive video conference.
For the first time in the history of the program, students will not just read text on the pages of a paper book, but will experience that book coming to life through computer-generated technology. Discovery Education’s Senior Director Hall Davidson will lead participants in a demonstration of this augmented reality technology, which allows students to overlay digital information, such as engaging videos, audio and graphics, on any image being viewed through a device, such as a smartphone. Elementary students from Houston Independent School District and Bryan Independent School District will share the content they have created to enhance Rushmore using augmented reality technology.
During the live event, Mrs. Bush will read from award-winning author Lynn Curlee’s book Rushmore, which explores STEM topics such as the engineering of Mount Rushmore, as well as social studies and relevant historical issues. Joining Mrs. Bush on stage as reading partners will be multiple students from Houston Independent School District and Bryan Independent School District. During the virtual question and answer session, Mrs. Bush will answer 22 questions from students in 12 states and several countries including Ghana and Canada.
“We are looking forward to sharing this unique, 21st century reading experience with our students,” says Dave Wheat, principal at The School at St. George Place in Houston Independent School District. “Through this year’s Reading Discovery program, our students will not only have the invaluable opportunity to read along with a former First Lady, but will also learn about important STEM and social studies concepts through an engaging, interactive learning experience using cutting-edge technology.”
Now in its 8th year, the Reading Discovery Distance Learning Program and Videoconference featuring Mrs. Bush is the most popular education program offered with more than 40,000 registered participants expected this year.
To register for the live stream, click here. For a free recording, register at