July in Texas is full of sun, swimming pools, and tons of other fun activities for children. Most children have the opportunity to enjoy their summer vacation by attending camps, participating in sports, or having a summer job, but there are many children in foster care who do not get the chance to experience these sorts of summertime activities.
Removed from home and placed in the child welfare system because of evidence of abuse or neglect, these children are already facing trauma that no child should experience – yet on top of all of that, their participation in normal childhood activities with their peers often becomes an afterthought.
“Kids in foster care can feel disconnected from other kids their age because of what they’re going through, so it’s important to help them feel as normal as possible,” said Deanna Warmke, executive director of CASA for Kids of South Central Texas. “Getting the chance to participate in normal childhood activities – and just be a kid – can be essential to a child’s well-being.”
“Normalcy” is a term commonly used in child welfare for any experiences that contribute to a child’s autonomy and social functioning. Activities associated with a “normal” childhood, such as sleepovers, pool parties, having an ice cream cone, or going to a homecoming dance can be imperative to a child’s sense of security, regularity, and well being. Another aspect of normalcy is working to ensure that the realities and difficulties of a child’s situation interrupt their everyday lives as little as possible.
“Friendship and socialization are imperative for children to maintain good health and psychological well being. While things like visitation, appointments, and therapy are essential for the children we serve, we don’t want them to get in the way of everyday activities that are also important to their development, like school or an extracurricular activity,” said Warmke.
Foster parents, CASA advocates, caseworkers, and others who serve children in care must work together to make normalcy a priority, explained Warmke.
“These children have been through enough. The last thing they need is to be excluded from fun social activities with their peers,” said Warmke. “This summer, CASA for Kids of South Central Texas aims to help local children in foster care have the opportunity to partake in normal, age-appropriate experiences.”
During the month of July, CASA for Kids of South Central Texas will be holding a Gift Card drive to help fill the specific needs of our children and help provide some normalcy in their lives. Gift cards allow us to travel where the child is placed and along with their caregivers help fulfill their need in a timely manner.
Our current drop-off locations are listed below. You can also visit their website www.wespeak4kids.org for the most current list as new locations are added as they are offered.
CASA volunteers are specially trained and appointed by judges to speak up for a child and advocate for their unique needs in court, at school, and in other settings. They also get to know the other adults in the child’s life, including foster parents, caseworkers, family members, counselors, and more, and work with them to ensure the best interests of the child come first.
Ultimately, true normalcy is achieved when children are no longer in the system and have the resources and support they need to thrive. Until then, they need a voice to speak up for them, to ensure they are able to participate in hobbies and activities that will help them grow and heal.
Become a CASA volunteer and advocate for a child who has experienced abuse or neglect. Visit www.wespeak4kids.com for information & training sessions.