It’s time to give where you live!
Brazos Valley Gives will once again host its annual giving day celebrating philanthropy for nonprofits in the area. After breaking the $1 million mark last year, finishing the 2022 giving day at over $1.1 million, Brazos Valley Gives co-chairs Molly Watson and Julie Porter say the team hopes to raise $1.25 million for the fifth annual event.
Whether it be $10 or thousands, Molly says she encourages the community to donate and spread the word to help empower these crucial nonprofits in our community.
“Brazos Valley Gives empowers our community individuals, business leaders and community organizations to come together to support all the causes in their hearts,” Molly says. “For those philanthropists that want to make even more of an impact, Brazos Valley Gives Day is a gift to the community.”
Giving to one of over 150 nonprofits is easy and can be done by people of all ages, Molly says. On Oct. 17, those wanting to donate can do so online or through various drop off points around the seven-county region. Community members also have the option to give early from Monday, September 18 to Tuesday, October 17 at 4:59 a.m. on Brazos Valley Gives website, which will also allow users to pick a specific nonprofit of their choice.
“Everyone can be a philanthropist on Brazos Valley Gives Day,” Molly says. “I guarantee you’ve either been touched, involved with or served alongside one of them throughout your years. If you have a passion for pets, the elderly, children, the arts and so many more — we have something for you.”
As they get geared up for the newest giving day, Molly says the team is very proud to have grown and been able to continue to grow not only in funds but also in the number of nonprofits they are serving as the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley.
“Many times when nonprofits give a specific goal, donors really get their minds around it,” Molly says. “For example, if a nonprofit asked for funds for a current need, we see the community show love by ensuring that they have enough money to reach that goal and more.”
This year also welcomes a new special sponsor, Ray of Hope, which is a young nonprofit itself that focuses on paying it forward.
The public is invited to join in at the annual celebration on Monday, Nov.13, where nonprofits will gather to see who received bonus awards and the $2,500 golden ticket raffle winners.
“This is a great time to come and see the impact of Brazos Valley Gives day,” Molly says. “Many of our participating nonprofits are at the event to showcase just how much this day means to them and celebrate with willing donors who support their mission.”
For more information about Brazos Valley Gives or to make a donation visit, brazosvalleygives.org.