The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host a free feral hog management educational program on May 8 in Bryan.
The program, which includes a meal, will be held from 6-8 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension office in Brazos County, 4153 County Park Court. Pre-registration is requested for accurate meal count by calling the office at 979-823-0129.
Two Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units will be available — one general and one integrated pest management — for private pesticide applicator license holders. The program is sponsored by the Brazos Beef and Forage Committee.
Feral hog control methods discussed
Chadd Caperton, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Brazos County, said participants will be able to understand the different tools available for residents on controlling feral hogs safely and legally.
“We want them to take away from this a better understanding of what options are available, general costs and labor considerations, and also how to legally and properly implement the new Kaput feral hog toxicant,” Caperton said.
Jamie Sugg, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent in Walker County, will be the featured speaker. Sugg will discuss various strategies residents can use to control feral hogs including different trapping methods.
There also will be a discussion on the proper procedures of controlling feral hogs with warfarin-based bait, which was recently released and labeled for use with a pesticide applicator license in April.
For more information, contact Caperton at 979-823-0129 or chadd.caperton@ag.tamu.edu.
Courtesy of Texas A&M AgriLife