In a single term as president, George H.W. Bush led the western world through one its most consequential periods — the fall of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany that marked the peaceful end of the Cold War.
As the 41st president from 1989 to 1993, Bush’s deft decision-making cemented the world order for a generation. His foreign policy leadership is examined like never before in a newly published book.
“Transforming Our World” was edited by Andrew S. Natsios and Andrew H. Card Jr., two Bush 41 administration officials associated with the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.
It features first-hand accounts from 18 former Bush 41 administration officials, including his secretary of state, James A. Baker III, and Condeleeza Rice, who served on the Bush 41 National Security Council before being Secretary of State for President George W. Bush (2005-2009).
The essays combine to provide unique, behind-the-scenes perspective on Bush 41’s role in world events, his style of diplomacy, leadership, and management skills and the generational consequences of his decisions.
“There is no better nor more comprehensive examination of President George H. W. Bush’s extraordinary foreign policy record than ‘Transforming Our World,’” says Robert M. Gates, former Secretary of Defense (2006-2001) and CIA Director (1991-1993). He also served as Texas A&M president (2002-2006) and as dean of the Bush School (2001-2002). “It brings to life for the reader the remarkable team Bush assembled, how he made historic decisions, and, indeed, how he transformed our world.”
The current dean of the Bush School, retired Air Force General Mark Welsh, says that “Transforming Our World” has vital lessons for present and future public officials.
“As we try to make sense of today’s strategic landscape,” says Welsh, a former Air Force chief of staff (2012-2016), “the steady leadership and thoughtful decisions reflected in this book serve as wonderful examples of how leaders can best serve our nation and our world.”
Natsios served Bush 41 as director of USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, where he oversaw the U.S. relief effort in several humanitarian emergencies. He is an executive professor at the Bush School and director of its Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs.
Card served Bush 41 as deputy chief of staff and later secretary of transportation. He also has served as acting dean of the Bush School and, until last month, was interim CEO of the George & Barbara Bush Foundation.
Courtesy of the Texas A&M University System