From its inception, the Brazos Valley area has been focused on one thing — creating a place where people find their place. Through businesses, nonprofits and just everyday interactions, this community is filled with people who want our area to succeed and to continue to grow.
Each year, we look to find a way to celebrate these outstanding individuals and three years ago, we put together a contest looking for your help to find the best places in the Brazos Valley. Don’t miss your chance to nominate your favorite businesses in the Brazos Valley for our third annual A-List contest! From restaurants to home services, we encourage all to cast your nominations on our website through March 22 and then come back to vote daily from April 8 to May 3 to support your favorites as they race to be crowned the best!
There’s no better way to celebrate our community than the announcement of our 2023 Top Teachers of the Brazos Valley! Turn to pages 15 and 16 to read more about the two amazing winners and how they continuously support our students.
This issue also features a look into multiple local nonprofits who continually work to make our community better one day at a time. Located on College Main in Bryan, Junction 505 places adults with disabilities in workplaces across our area. From Texas A&M University to St. Thomas Early Learning Center, these individuals are given the opportunity to gain independence while also contributing to our community in a positive way (page 20).
Did you know dogs could have jobs too? Paw Patrol may be a cartoon, but these working pups are real! Search Dog Network is filled with dedicated individuals and canines who are top notch in ensuring that missing persons are located through land and water surveying and more. Our team was given the opportunity to see these dogs in action at some of their weekly training — and those good boys were outstanding (page 30)!
Those with a passion for fashion should be sure to turn to page 8 to find out more about the craze of vintage pop-up shops from Bygone Vintage. Plus, owner Tristan Nigos shares more about what’s to come for this thriving, thrifty business!
Want to find a relaxing way to end a hard week? Pinspiration, located in South College Station, offers a great way for groups to get together and show off their creative passions. Searching for chaotic fun? Check out the splatter room which is sure to please those seeking an innovative creative outlet (page 34)!
We also feature two events happening this month! Join the Brazos County Master Gardener Association for their annual Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, March 23 to find your fix of all things plants, specifically ones that thrive in the Brazos Valley climate (page 18). Or head over to KinderHill Brew Lab to watch Drunk Shakespeare BCS’s performance of “The Tempest” on Saturday, March 30!
We can’t forget to invite readers to join us at our first launch party of the year on March 7 at the Arts Council of Brazos Valley (4180 Hwy 6, College Station) from 5:30 to 7 p.m. There will be plenty of food and drinks, prizes and a chance to meet some of the individuals and organizations from this issue — we hope to see you there!
— The Insite Team