Dedication of the NFG Plaza - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Never Forget Garden Veterans Memorial
Veterans Park & Complex 3101 Harvey Rd., College Station, Texas
The community is invited to celebrate the NFG Plaza to honor our unknown soldiers, to remember and honor those patriots who have sacrificed their life and their identity to achieve and to preserve the promise of America. This memorial respects the unknown soldiers from all wars, from the American Revolution to current.
Dedication Day will recognized all donors. We are so appreciative of our community who came together to established this Never Forget Garden memorial at Veterans Park. Donors are asked to check in with the donor table at dedication, to be located behind the NFG Plaza, across the sidewalk from the American Revolution site, to pick up your certificate. Donors included 104 brick donors; 47 flag and patriot donors listed on the pedestals, and an additional 23 donors who will also receive certificates after the dedication ceremony on May 21.
Dedication speaker will be Roy May, former Sentinel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Military and Sons of the American Revolution color guard units will have a massing of the colors to honor veteran’s service. Brazos County Judge Duane Peters, Bryan Mayor Bobby Gutierrez, and College Station Mayor John Nichols will proclaim May 21 as NFG Dedication Day. Brazos Valley Chorale will lead the national anthem. The American Legion Post #159 will offer a rifle salute and taps.
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Never Forget Garden Veterans Memorial (“NFG”), commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia. This special addition to the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial at Veterans Park will honor America’s missing and unknown soldiers from the Revolutionary War to the present. This joint community project consists of many people including, but not limited to, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), A&M Garden Club and other local garden clubs, organizations, veterans and numerous individuals.
At the request of the National President General of DAR to “honor veterans and remember the Unknowns,” DAR chapters were encouraged to plant a “Never Forget” garden “to leave a truly impactful legacy.” An NFG community committee from Bryan and College Station was formed on September 21, 2021. The NFG Executive Committee and DAR reviewed proposed designs for the memorial from Texas A&M horticulture students. The combined design selected was presented in a special educational exhibit at Veterans Park on Veterans Day 2021. The plan included a 21’ x 30’ concrete plaza with a 7-foot monument, two entrance pedestals, and a central star, all in granite, with engraved brick pavers around the inside edge of the plaza. A “Never Forget Garden” surrounding the NFG Memorial reflects a nation-wide program by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers Honor Guard Sentinels to honor fallen unknown military heroes from all wars with a living tribute.
A Pre-Memorial Day program in early 2022 and a “21 Steps” Run/Walk Event in 2022 were enthusiastically supported by the community and helped with fundraising efforts. Flag level donors were invaluable in making the project possible, and engraved brick pavers for the memorial were all spoken for by the end of 2023, helping the project to reach its fundraising goal of over $150,000.
The groundbreaking and the pouring of the main concrete plaza were accomplished in 2023 and the plants for the garden were put in place in March 2024. In April 2024, the granite monument, pedestals and star were installed and bricks were laid. The “Never Forget Garden” plaques, produced by the Society of the Honor Guard for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier says it best: “This garden is a living tribute to all of America’s veterans and their families. In silence and respect, this is a place to remember why millions of Americans have fought and died for our liberty and our freedom. Here we renew our promise to fulfill America’s sacred duty to never forget. Here we renew our mutual pledge to support them with our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
With the entire memorial completed, the Dedication on May 21, 2024, is definitely a special day. For more information about the progress throughout the three-year NFG project -
a) web page -
b) facebook -
c) video - - virtual tour of the Brazos Valley Veterans
Memorial 12 acre site. The Never Forget Garden is included about minute 31:00.