“Living Passion of Christ” - Drive Through
Bryan Bryan, Texas

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
Please join us!
College Station, TX — On April 15th, experience The Living Passion of Christ from your car! Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of BCS will present a drive through “Living Passion of Christ” from 6:30pm - 8pm on Good Friday, April 15th. Beginning at the corner of Woodcreek and the Hwy 6 NB access road, just north of Rock Prairie, passersby will see a series of scenes featuring live actors that takes you from Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the days leading to the crucifixion, and, ultimately, to the empty tomb representing the resurrection of Christ. Pastor Elaine Gomulka says the goal is to offer the entire community a chance to experience the story of Christ’s journey to the cross in a fresh way that will be both memorable and meaningful.
This unique departure from a traditional Good Friday service will feature life size sets constructed by volunteers and an all-volunteer cast in colorful costumes depicting the time of Christ. Drivers are offered QR codes as they approach so they can hear the accompanying scriptures being read on their mobile devices in English or Spanish.
This free, covid safe, family friendly event will take place at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church,1001 Woodcreek Dr, in College Station. Those interested in getting involved by helping with sets or donating goods or services may contact Our Saviour's Lutheran Church at office@oursavioursbcs.org or call Our Saviour's at 979-764-9095.