Register today for TMCCP's Municipal Budget Cycle Seminar with Dr. Robert Bland.
This seminar will provide attendees the opportunity to learn more about practical, comprehensive approaches for improving local government budgeting.
Dr. Bland will highlight the need for local government leaders to navigate the complex topic of municipal budgeting in a way that balances what is “economically best, politically expedient, and administratively possible.”
The seminar will present information related to:
- basic budgeting concepts, and roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
- managing conflict in the budget process
- budgeting for revenues and expenditures
- budgeting challenges
- accounting for the budget
- budget innovations
Dr. Robert Bland is the Endowed Professor of Local Government in the Department of Public Administration and Faculty Director of the Center for Public Management in the College of Health and Public Service at the University of North Texas.
Anyone may register!