Please join us on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 6 PM - 9 PM for the EHF Traces of the Trade Screening hosted by St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and the Brazos Valley African American Museum in Bryan. RSVP for BBQ & film:
Please note, the screening will be held The Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Dr., Bryan TX 77802 The event will feature the screening of “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North,” which recounts one New England family’s involvement in the slave trade in the 18th and early 19th centuries against the backdrop of Northern business, communities and residents who condoned and benefited from slave trading. The film will be followed by facilitated discussion. EHF is uniquely positioned alongside the Diocese of Texas to partner with congregations to build bridges of health and wholeness into communities. Recognizing our Gospel call to seek and serve Christ in all persons, together we will listen, advise, and work to build healthy communities. We invite you to walk with us and our communities on this journey and hope that you’ll join in this opportunity to screen Traces of the Trade with Dain and Constance Perry. The event is FREE and includes light refreshments. Please be sure to RSVP and provide your preferences soon as space is limited.