Unique Solar Eclipse Event At Century Square: Solar Science, Music & Fun!
The Green at Century Square 170 Century Square Dr., College Station, Texas 77840

Hiroko Sumikura
2024-02 FCM Solar Eclipse - Flyer (8.5 × 5.5 in) - 2
Friends of Chamber Music & BV Astronomy Club: Solar Eclipse Project
Astronomical Wonder and Musical Creativity Merge in Real Time: Prelude & Fanfare for Solar Eclipse at Century Square
Friends of Chamber Music BCS and Brazos Valley Astronomy Club connect a rare astronomical event and musical performance in real time at the unique Solar Eclipse event at Century Square in College Station on Monday, April 8, from 1-2 PM.
A world premiere of “Prelude & Fanfare for Solar Eclipse 2024,” a new composition by professor of Texas A&M University, Dr. David Wilborn, commissioned by FCM specially for the unique Solar Eclipse Project, will take place at Century Square at the time of a partial solar eclipse in College Station, as we watch the skies darkening and coming back to light.
With David Wilborn and his ensemble on stage, the first part of the composition, “Prelude,” will be performed during the time of progressive darkening and before the period of approximately 5 minutes when the maximum totality in College Station reaches the highest point of 98.3%. The second part of the composition, “Fanfare,” will follow immediately after, welcoming light back to Bryan-College Station.
At this free event the guests will hear a short educational talk by Ray Garner, a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Texas A&M University and member of Brazos Valley Astronomy Club. Garner will explain the basics of solar eclipse mechanics and focus on eye protection measures necessary during the entire time of partial solar eclipse.
200 pairs of FREE solar glasses will be available at the event.
Viewing of the total solar eclipse in real time will be live streamed from the NASA platform on TV screens at the stage.
The Solar Eclipse Project has been created by Friends of Chamber Music in close collaboration with and generously sponsored by Randall Light, Mark Spearman, and Brazos Valley Astronomy Club.
More information and updates can be found at Friends of Chamber Music BCS website, fcmtx.org; and Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/FriendsofChamberMusic.