Who needs yet another kitchen gadget? Probably not you. Most of us have too many whatchamacallits cluttering our kitchen drawers and cabinets that rarely get put to good use. But once in a while, something truly kitchen-worthy comes along that does, in fact, make our lives a little easier. The Insite Team has discovered a few such items and assembled this list intended to save you time and effort. But even if our suggestions don’t make your load a little lighter, we hope they’ll make your day a little brighter.
—Ellen Ritscher Sackett
All Bottled Up
Chef Tai brings three of his culinary creations from his restaurant concepts to the home kitchen, making at least one step in the cooking process a little easier with his new line of sauces that come in 12 oz. bottles. Each cater to different needs: The Sweet and Savory Miso Sauce is intended to be used as a salad dressing or marinade, Balsamic Red Wine Glaze can be used as a salad dressing or sauce, and the Sweet and Spicy Chili Sauce is meant for grilling or dipping. All three sauces are available at Chef Tai’s restaurants, Sôlt and Urban Table, or at Zeitman’s Grocery for $10 per bottle or can be purchased online for $12 each.
830 University Drive, College Station
(979) 268-3251
Urban Table
3006 Barron Road, College Station
(979) 307-5611
Zeitman’s Grocery
220 N Main St, Bryan
(979) 676-7885
Endless Pasta-bilities
Pasta dishes can go straight from the microwave to the table using the all-in-one Lékué Quick Pasta Recipes Cooker. No need for multiple pans! Not only pasta but complete recipes can be made in this oblong silicone container, whose vented lid doubles as a strainer. It’s especially convenient for those who dwell in small spaces because it eliminates the need for multiple pots, and there’s no need to heat up the stove. It’s slightly larger than a package of spaghetti noodles and can cook enough pasta at once to feed up to four people. Recipes are included, and the product comes with a 10-year limited warranty. This is just one of many kitchen products made by Lékué that focuses on making healthy eating easier and more convenient. Stonecroft carries additional Lékué kitchenware, including the Microwave Grill, Citrus Sprayer, Microwave PopCorn Maker, and Collapsible Steamer. $28.95.
Stonecroft Marketplace
203 E. Washington Ave., Navasota
(936) 825-2090 | stonecroftmarketplace.com
Pick-up Sticks
Simple and elegant, these ingenious folding tongs are made from two narrow wooden slats hinged together to create a single joint. When folded toward each other, the tongs form a V shape, and with a bit of built-in resistance, users can easily transfer food from one dish to another. When folded in the opposite direction, the two sides of the tongs lay flat against each other, taking up little storage space as they easily slide in a drawer. Darren Carter, who co-owns Hollydew Farm with his wife Karen, handcrafts the cherrywood tongs that can be special-ordered in three sizes (8-, 10-, or 12-inches long). The couple produces all sorts of homemade and homegrown products, such as small-batch canned goods, seasonings, lotions and lip balms, and freshly baked goods. They use organic, sustainable, and humane methods to make healthy living more convenient. Look for them at Brazos Valley Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings and First Fridays of the month in downtown Bryan. $15-$20.
Hollydew Farm
841 Holly Road, Franklin
(325) 642-8454 | hollydewfarm.com
Baby, it’s Cold Inside
Open up the fridge door to find Chilly Mama sitting on a shelf to keep your refrigerator’s insides smelling clean and fresh. Fill her with 3 ounces of baking soda, and she’ll be set for three months. This kitchen cutie who stands 6 inches tall is easy to clean, dishwasher safe, and a big fan of the cold as she works in the freezer too. You might know her red-headed sister, Angry Mama, who heats up in the microwave to soften icky buildup along its walls. Let Chilly Mama work her magic as bad odors flow in and fresh air flows out. No more funky smells! $13.75.
Cocoa’s Pantry
211 N. Main Street, Bryan
(979) 595-4582 | facebook.com/CocoasPantry
What a pare!
This family-owned-and-operated kitchen supply store that’s served the Brazos Valley and beyond for nearly 50 years primarily caters to restaurants, schools, and churches, but home chefs occasionally stop by to scan the tall shelves for scads of useful tools to streamline their culinary efforts. Most of the store’s inventory is nothing fancy but tried and true, meant to be both affordable and stand the test of time. What caught our eye was the lightweight paring knives with the colorful pastel handles by the checkout counter, which owner Abie Krolczyk says they sell by the dozens. Made in the U.S.A. by Dexter, the price is right so might as well pick up a few. $6.99.
Kesco Supply Inc.
1411 S. Texas Ave., Bryan
(979) 779-6473 | kescosupply.com
Under Cover
Prevent your avocados from browning by investing in a reusable silicone avocado saver made by Food Huggers. Snuggly slip the cover over the exposed part of the avocado to cut off oxygen from reaching the exposed portion and prevent discoloration. The cover’s center pops in and out and can accommodate the pit — or not, depending on how you want to store your avocado half. Food Huggers’ products are BPA and phthalate free, FDA approved, have a lifetime warranty, and reduce your need for plastic wrap. Other items available include flexible silicone-and-glass bowl lids and reusable silicone food savers in two colorways. The dishwasher-friendly two-pack accommodates two sizes of avocados: one small and one large. $13.99.
Cocoa’s Pantry
211 North Main Street, Bryan
(979) 595-4582 | facebook.com/CocoasPantry