Six Bryan parks throughout the community are set to receive new or replacement playgrounds, after the Bryan City Council approved the purchase and installation of nearly $1 million worth of playgrounds at their April meeting. The playgrounds are planned to be installed over the coming months in the following locations:

Austin's Colony Park
A new play structure will replace the currently existing one that is used by both the community and school. The new structure is targeted at ages 2-12 and will include slides, landings, climbers, and have a bonded shredded rubber mulch fall zone.

Castle Heights Park
A new play structure will replace the currently existing structure, which exceeds its life expectancy. The new structure is suitable for ages 5-12 and will include a main structure with slides, landings, climbers, monkey bars, and a rock wall. It will have a bonded shredded rubber mulch fall zone.

Greenbrier Park
This park will receive a new playground unit, exercise equipment, and a walking path extension. The playground equipment includes a shaded play structure, slides, and climbing areas. The exercise equipment is planned to include six pieces for community use. The trail will be extended from its current end at Glencairn Court to Arundala Way.

Henderson Park
At Henderson Park, two existing play structures that have exceeded their life expectancy are being combined into one play area and relocated out of the floodplain. The new play area is targeted toward ages 2-12 and includes a shaded picnic table; main play structure with slides, climbers, and various levels; and separate four-seat swing set and climbing structure. The entire area will have a bonded shredder rubber mulch fall zone.

Ibarra Park
A new play structure will replace the current one at Ibarra Park, which has exceeded its life expectancy. The new structure is intended for ages 5-12 and includes a main structure with slides, landings, climbers, and monkey bars. It will also have a bonded shredded rubber mulch fall zone.

Shirewood Park
The existing play structure at this park will be replaced with a new structure geared towards kids ages 2-12. The new structure will include slides, ladders, landings, sensory panels, and climbing features and will have a bonded shredded rubber mulch fall zone.
Courtesy of City of Bryan