Magazines drive web searches more than any other medium, more than double internet advertising and social media, according to a simultaneous media study reported on the Magazine Publishers of America website. Magazine Publisher’s? On the web? Yes, indeed.
Never mind the doomsayers who keep announcing that print is dead: magazine subscriptions and single copy sales are up over the past two years and women in the 19 to 35 age group account for most of the buyers.
While I prefer my magazines in the paper rather than the online format, I also want to be able to get more info instantly when I read about a new place to eat or shop or visit. Which is why beginning this month you can now scan the QR (Quick Response) codes in many of Insite’s advertisers with your smart phone for instant information about specific products or services. It’s also why I think you’ll love Insite Magazine’s new online format that lets you scan all the stories and click through to the ones you want to read at the moment, while also being able to click through to the menus and websites for all the Eats & Treats venues and advertisers.
If you’re like me, I remember after I put the magazine away somewhere that I really, really wanted to go to the Hot Nights, Cool Tunes in Brenham or the Master Gardener’s workshop. No worries. Insite’s new website is smart phone friendly and we’re going to update the online calendar of events all during the month to catch events that have missed the print deadline. You can even request a weekly email update of What's Happening throughout the month. All in all, print plus online plus QR codes means you have all of Insite, the local marketplace and the Brazos Valley at your (electronic) fingertips. – Angelique Gammon