Spring is the easy season, sort of the middle child of seasons. Nobody likes bossy winter – put on your coat! Only lizards and beach weekenders really like the moist miasma that passes for most of our local summer. Spring: butterflies; new growth, anticipation of summer. It’s almost a stacked deck.
Now that you stop to really analyze the situation, that Spring thing is sort of working all the angles, here. Almost … premeditated. Manipulative. Cute baby bunnies. Who can compete with that? Opportunity to refresh for the hot haul ahead. And that whole flowers, gardens, fix-up-the-home-so-you’re-ready-to-play this summer shtick?
I’m mean, so Tom Sawyer! Who’s toting that paintbrush, anyway? Not Spring.
And don’t even get me started on that old “spring into health” kick. Who’s getting tweezed, and waxed, and exfoliated and taking care of those pesky spider veins – no, that’s not wine running down my leg thank you for your concern – you just had to point out how to get those fixed when you’re so naturally beautiful, Miss Perfect Spring? Thanks, loads. Manipulative. I told you. Well isn’t that just so absolutely kind to point out the ‘why yes, it’s really the perfect weather to go for a brisk run so you’ll be all hard body by summer,” Miss Helpful. Not Spring breaking a sweat. Should be known as passive aggressive Spring, you want my take.
Unions, life, birth, growth yadda yadda yadda whole spring wedding thing. Yeah, yeah. Bride is busting her bunions and beautiful Spring gets the wedding credit. Sheesh.
But we’re on it anyway. Got all that Spring jazz-up home, body, bride stuff covered in our “Spring” (say it with a mocking lilt) issue. Sure, it’s beautiful, useful stuff. Pretty sure Spring is gonna take all the credit. Be just like Spring.
So I’m ready to go on record here. Spring is a very nice season, I’m sure. Very…agreeable. Simply everyone loves Spring and we have fully prepared you to enjoy it.
Me? I’m into summer. Straightforward, know-your-melting point kind of season if you ask me.
So enjoy the Spring issue. I’m really looking forward to the summer issue. Did I mention my family nickname is ‘the lizard?’